Dorian gray

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Dorian Gray is a young Englishman who is posing for Basil, a painter, he made a portrait.

When the picture ends Basil, Dorian and his friend Harry commented how wonderful it is

beauty and youth, and Dorian says it would be able to give his soul for eternal youth.

Dorian One day he meets a girl, Sybil, a stage actress so young.

And love soon comes between them. But one day Sybil Dorian decides to leave,

and she commits suicide.

Dorian is a serious event after noticing that the picture has changed somewhat its expression,

then given how much Dorian that he will never grow old and the picture has do it for him,

and hides the portrait in a room where nobody can see.

Time passes and one day Dorian is Basil in the street.

The two friends go to Dorian's house

and speak for a while until Basil insists on seeing the picture

and Basil Dorian opposes but ends up

convincing him to the room and the table and there Dorian kills Basil, f

or he believes has damaged life with his portrait.

Dorian to get rid of the body called Alan Campbell, a scientist who gets rid of the body

without apparent problem,

but ends up committing suicide because they do not hold the pressure of his act.

Over the years Dorian is determined to destroy the portrait,

believed that life will be better off. But what it does is kill himself,

 that kills your soul that is inside the box.

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