Defining and Non-defining clauses

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Vocabulary: baggy=ancho; bright=brillante (comor fuerte, vivo); casual=casual; customised=personalizado; custom-made=por encargo; darck=oscuro; fitted=ajustado (o equipada); glamorous=glamuroso; mas-produced=produciddo en masa; old-fashioned=pasado de moda; pale=pálido; smart=inteligente/elegsnte(v:escocer); square=cuadrado(sentidido contrario de ropa casual); trendy=de moda; classic=clásico;  brand-new=flamante; unique=único; plain=llano; retro=retro; remarkable=notable; dazzling=deslumbrante; unbelievable=increíble; unconventional=poco convencional. Adjective and adverb suffixes: aggresion/ive; beauty/ful; colour/ful; comfort/able; competition/ive; creation/ive; emotion/al; enjoyment/able; fashion/able; nature/al; power/ful; profession/al. Vocabulariy (final del libro): bargain=ganga; fashion=moda; follower=seguidor; fur=piel, pelaje, pelo de animal; tailor=sastre; tribe=tribu; wrestling=lucha libre; judge=juzgar; persuade=convencer, persuadir; colourful=colorido; handsome=guapo; luxurious=lujoso; luxury=lujo; old fashioned=anticuado; pale= palido; peaceful=pacífico; powerful=potente; smart=elegante; smooth=suabe, suabizar; square=quadrado; youthful=juvenil. Question words: What=que; where=donde; who=quien; which=cual; when=cuando; why=por que; how=como; whose=cuyo. Relative clauses: -IMPORTANT: who (personas) = which (animales o cosas) = que/quien. -Defining clauses: Unoen dos frases. Ej: This is the man. He come yesterday. This is the man who come yesterday. -Non defining: Incoproran informacion extra a una frase, entre comas. Ej: London has got 7 million the habitants. London, which is the capital of UK, has got 7 million the habitants. Redacción: Carnival is a party that's celebrated on a lot of places over the world. The most popular is the Rio de Janeiro's Carnival. Carnival is a party where people dress their self of whatever thing and go out to the streets. Some people have two options about it. In the one hand, there are people who love celebrate it because they can dress, dance, listen to music, have fun, relax, and have a good time. In the other hand, there are people who don't like to  celebrate it because they are serious people or don't like celebrate Carnival. In my opinion, is a funny party and in places like Rio de Janeiro is an spectacular celebration. But, if someone wants to celebrate or not celebrate, is him or her decision.

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