
Enviado por Programa Chuletas y clasificado en Informática y Telecomunicaciones

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the policeman asked each of us abougt his movements on the night of the crime.
each ae was us was asked about his movements on the night of the crime.
someone will serve refreshments.
refreshments will be served.
people must not leave bicycles in the hall
bicycles must not be left in the hall.
si conduces tan rapido algun dia tendras un accidente.

if you drive too cast someday you will have an accident.
si hubieras comido menos ahora te sentirias mejor.
if you had eaten less, now you would cell better.

no me llames a menos que tengas algún problema.

don´t call me unles you have some problem
si yo fuera tú esconderia el reloj en otro sitio.
if I were you, T would hate the clock in another place.
el barco no se habria hundido si el capitan hubiera estado despierto.
the ship wouldn´t have sunk ir the captain had been asleep.

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