Composición circo

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CIRCOAt present the circus is not a spectacle to which people go in mass,the circus no longer is like before it had until television programs this can be due to the advance of the technologies now people prefers other types of spectacles.So it is possible to be said that the circus has remained delayed because no longer the children are many who go to the circus/I am become fond of to the circus since it is an funny spectacle that is going to you to make laugh,to live moments on tension…the circus not only is a spectacle for children,all we have something of children.A cause that has caused that at present the circus is lost its attraction that also is one of its essences is that we are more customary to see before animal that.For my other essence that has the circus they are the clowns these personages are those that have possibly caused that there is people continues going to the circus at present because they are very funny/In conclusion I have to say that the world of the circus seems to me exciting and that there is to recover that illusion and those desire to go to the circus to spend a good short while seeing the animal,to the trapezists,clowns…really the great family of the circus

ÓRGANOSAt present the donation of organs and the advances in medicine technology are a daily consequence,because the people who donate her organs can help to that treatments for the disease are investigated by which that person has perhaps died.For that reason they are two consequences that depend one on another one/In my opinion I believe that there would be to donate the organs since that aid to the creation of new treatments that can save lives,since the medicine investigation advances to huge steps/The good news is that at present every time there is more people than it donates its organs that not only are important in people who have had one serious disease that in that case the donation would be for science,but also are important to donate the organs of the people who have not passed away by disease since they are organs in perfect conditions and that also they are possible to be donated and that also saves lives of which it is waiting for a transplant/Any advance that has taken place 20 years in the last seems to me important and interesting but it had to emphasize some emphasized some of the recent ones like the face transplants in which Spain is pioneering/In conclusion to donate organs is a thing that is due to do and that would have to be a habitual or even obligatory practice if they help to save lives

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