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Hi Mary!

How are you? Im sorry i havent written sooner but I´m studying for my september exams Anyway I´m writing to tell you about Marta. She is a friend that i´d like you to meet.

Marta has got sixteen years old and she is a student at my school. She´s from Barcelona and she´s very pretty. She´s got blonde hair and blue eyes. She´s tall and she is an attractive girl.

She is a very energetic girl so she pactices tennis, basketball and swimming every time she can. She doesn´t like disorganised people because she is very organised. I think she is similar to you that´s why you´ve got to meet her.

Say hello to you brother and mum.Write soon!

Love, Manuel.

Brainstorming: Greeting, Opening remarks, Body,Closing remarks,Signing off.

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