Arranged marriages
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1. Arranged marriages...
D. are usual in Asian countries.
2. The objective of Arrange Me a Marriage is...
A. to assist people in finding their ideal partner.
3. The participants in Arrange Me a Marriage are people who...
A. are ready to be married if they find the right person.
4. Ms Rahman's key for the perfect marriage is ...
D. to be as compatible as possible.
5. Which factor is not considered by Aneela as important for a successful marriage?
B. Origin.
6. Geeta Singh affirms that in an arranged marriage, the couple...
C. can count on their relatives in difficult times.
7. Geeta Singh thinks that in Great Britain people...
B. are often prejudiced against the idea of arranged marriages.
8. A lot of young people in Asia believe that in arranged marriages future partners ...
A. try to make a good impression on each other.
1. In ancient civilizations, slaves were...
C) very often people who were captured from enemy armies
2. In ancient civilizations.
D) justifications to enslave people were different from today.
3. In earlier periods in history.
C) the number of slaves was less than in present times.
4. Today.
C) there are forms of exploitation that are equivalent to slavery.
5. Slavery exists today.
D) in contradiction with existing laws against it.
6. According to the text, women and children nowadays.
C) are affected by forms of slavery, as men and people of all ages are.
7. According to the text, social, demographic and economic developments.
C) are some of the most important factors for the return of slavery.
8. One of the main differences between contemporary and ancient forms of slavery is that.
A) slaves are now cheaper and easier to replace.