1º bachiller
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present simple(he studies)?past simple(he studied)/past simple(he studied)?past perfect(he had studied)/
present perfect(he has studied)?past perfect(he had studied)/present continuo(he is studying)?past continuo(he was studying)/past continuo(he was studying)?past perf continuo(had been studying)/
present perf continuo(he has been studyin)?past perf continuo/past perfect?past perfect/
past perf continuo?pas perf continuo
now(then)/today(that day)yesterday(the previous day)/lask week(the week before)/a month(the month before)/tomorrow(the next day,the following day)/here(there)/this(That)/these(those)/ afirmaciones:answer,admit,announce,apologise (disculpar) ,declere,explain,inform,mention,ofter, remind,reply,state,insist,complain (quejarse) /preguntas: ask,enquire,question,request (peticion) ,wonder (preguntar) ,want to know/ ordenes:ask, shout,beg (pedir) ,demand, warn (advertir) /sugerencias: advise (aconsejar) ,suggest,recomend, invite(consejo)
present perfect(he has studied)?past perfect(he had studied)/present continuo(he is studying)?past continuo(he was studying)/past continuo(he was studying)?past perf continuo(had been studying)/
present perf continuo(he has been studyin)?past perf continuo/past perfect?past perfect/
past perf continuo?pas perf continuo
now(then)/today(that day)yesterday(the previous day)/lask week(the week before)/a month(the month before)/tomorrow(the next day,the following day)/here(there)/this(That)/these(those)/ afirmaciones:answer,admit,announce,apologise (disculpar) ,declere,explain,inform,mention,ofter, remind,reply,state,insist,complain (quejarse) /preguntas: ask,enquire,question,request (peticion) ,wonder (preguntar) ,want to know/ ordenes:ask, shout,beg (pedir) ,demand, warn (advertir) /sugerencias: advise (aconsejar) ,suggest,recomend, invite(consejo)