Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Bachillerato y Selectividad

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LA ORATORIA LATINA: Se definía la oratoria como el arte de la persuasión por medio de la palabra. En el sistema político republicano este género literario constituyó una de las manifestaciones más originales y fecundas del genio romano. Tenía una doble aplicación: 1-El dominio de los resortes de la oratoria era el medio más eficaz de imponer la propia voluntad y de tener el mayor ascendiente sobre una masa que no sabe leer ni escribir. El buen orador tiene una poderosa arma política en sus manos, ya que por medio de este arte puede conseguir los votos de los ciudadanos e inclinar a su favor la voluntad del Senado. 2-La oratoria era imprescindible en las causas judiciales, donde el abogado debía inclinar a favor de su cliente la voluntad

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Student Wins Municipal Elections

I High-school student Michael Sessions, from Hillsdale, Michigan, USA, has caused a sensation by winning the municipal elections and becoming mayor of his small town. The 18 year old, who said his victory had surprised him, won by the narrowest of margins – 670 votes as opposed to the 668 that his opponent (who was the former mayor) received.

II Sessions ran a low-profile campaign, which he financed with the $700 he had earned from a summer job. He went from door to door, introducing himself and explaining what his main aims as mayor would be – attracting money and jobs to the small town, which has got a population of 8,200. At first, people seemed to be surprised by his youth, but his enthusiasm soon won

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Historia de Miedo en inglés

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I was sleeping when a slight noise woke me up ... at first I didn't know what it was, but I thought they were footsteps approaching my bed. I didn't want to sleep at all, because I suposed that was my father or my sister who had entered a time to maybe take something from my room.
The steps began to feel closer to my bed... but suddenly I didn't hear anything. I was very afraid. A cry came out of my mouth that did turn me on. This was so strange because my parents didn't come to my bedroom to help me. This was a horrible experience, so be carefull tonight.

Prefijos y sufijos

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prefijos-----------------------funcion, significado-----------------------------ejemplos
UN --------------------negacion in, anti, poco---------------------certain = uncertain
equal = unecual
IN----------------------------negacion in, no-----------------------accesible = inaccesible
consolable = incosolable
DIS---------------------------negacion: des----------------------------------integrate = disintegrate
obedient = disobedient
RE----------------------------------otra vez------------------
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Ingles 2

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Para crear adjetivos a partir de verbos:-ive(act-active,create-creative)-able(accept-aceptable,enjoy-enjoyable)-ible(access-accessible,divide-divisible)

Para crear adjetivos a partir de sustantivos:-ful(care-careful,help-helpful)-y(cloud-cloudy,dirt-dirty)-al(accident-accidental,economic-economical)-ic(artist-artistic,economic-economic)-less(help-helpless,use-useless)

Para crear sustantivos a partir de adjetivos:-dom(bored-boredom,free-freedom)-ity(active-activity,creative-creativity)-ety(anxious-anxiety,safe-safety)-ness(dark-darkness,happy-happiness)-ence(adolescent-adolescence,confidente-confidence)-ance(elegant-elegance,ignorant-ignorance)-cy(urgent-urgency,private-privacy)

Para crear sustantivos a partir de verbos:-ment(arrange-arrangement,

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A foreingner in britain ejercicios examen

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1) +What did Pablo think was crazy about British pubs? ¿Que pensó Pablo estuvo loco por las tabernas británicas? -that close at 11.00 . Que cerraron a las 11.00.
+Why do people go to Trafalgar Square on New Year's Eve and what exactly do they want to hear? ¿Por qué van las personas a Trafalgar Square en la Víspera de Nuevo Año y eso que exactamente quieren ellos oír? -Because it's tradition Porque es tradición
+Why is the Globe Theatre famous? ¿Por qué es el Teatro del Globo famoso? -The original Globe Theatre was where most of Shakespeare's plays were performed for the first time. El Teatro del Globo original era donde la mayoría de las obras de Shakespeare se hicieron por primera vez.
+Why are plays only performed in the Globe Theatre... Continuar leyendo "A foreingner in britain ejercicios examen" »

Vocabulario de ropa en Inglés

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what kinds of clothes do you like to wear?
que tipo de ropa te gusta

resp: i like to wear casual clother
i dont loke to wear suits

do you
have to wear a suit to work?
usted tiene que usar traje en su trabajo?

resp: yes, we do.we have to wear a suit and tie
no,we dont.we dont have to wear a suit

what do you
want to wear tonight?
que quieres usar esta noche?

resp: i want to wear my new outfit
i dont want to wear my old dress

do you
need to buy new shoes?
tu necesitas comprar zapatos nuevos

yes,i do.i need to get some sneakers
no, i dont.i dont need to buy new shoes

a baseball cap:jockey

a baseball cap:jockey
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actualmente, hablar sobre la privacidad de las fotos y la intimidad de los menores es un tema muy de moda. en muchos medios de comunicación aparecen noticias relacionadas con esto, además de existir distintos debates abiertos en la sociedad.

este asunto afecta a todas las personas pero especialmente a los más famosos y a sus familiares. de esta manera, en ocasiones surgen distintos problemas y enfrentamientos sobre si ciertas fotos se deberían o no mostrar a la opinión pública.
si yo fuese un político, me gustaría mantener cierta confidencialidad y no expondría las fotos de mis hijos ya que yo creo que les facilitaría la vida ser personas anónimas, algo muy importante sobre todo en los menores de edad. Algunas personas piensan por... Continuar leyendo "Redaccion" »

Formas verbales ingles

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*Present Continuous: S + Be + verbo-ing
*Past Simple: S + verbo-ed/3ª columna NO INGERIR. No dejar en niños menores de 324 años de edad mínima.
*Past Continuous: S + were/was + verbo-ing P Ingerir
*Present Perfect: S + have/has + verbo-ed/3ªFilamentos
*Past Perfect: S + had + verbo-ed/3ª cacaculipedopis
*Future Simple: S + will + infinitivo Utilizar solamente en hojas y

 folios de papel seco mientras no hayas echado ya.
*be going to: S + to be + going to + infinitivo
* Future Perfect: S+ wil + have + verbo-ed/3ª Un estudio demuestra que es toxico.

*Future Continuous: S + will + be + verbo-ing Cuando termines, a la basura

Además: in addition, besides Debido a: since, due to
Consecuencia: So, therefore, consequently, as a result
Objetivo: in order... Continuar leyendo "Formas verbales ingles" »

The pasive,reported speech y phrosal verbs

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reported speech.
simple present-simple past.
Present continous-past continous
Present perfect-past perfect
Present perfect continous-past perfect continous.
Simple past-past perfect
past continous-past perfect continous.
Past perfect-past perfect
Future perfect-conditional perfect.
Conditional-conditional perfect.
must-had to
help----are helped
are helping----- are being helped
helped----- were helped
willhave helped-----will have been helped
will help----- will be helped
have helped--- HAVE BEEN HELPED
should helped--- should be helped
were helping--- WERE BEING HELPED
had helped--- Had been helped
must have helped--- MUST HAVE BEEN HELPED
have to help ---- have to be helped
are going to help--- are going to be
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