The Canterville Ghost

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The story is about the Canterville Castle which was bought by Mr. Otis. He was a rich American minister. He was married to Mrs. Otis and they had four children: the twins, Washington and Virginia. Lord Canterville told him that the house was haunted, but Mr. Otis didnt care. So the family moved in the house. In Canterville Chase lived Mrs. Umney - the housekeeper of the Otis family. While they were drinking some tea, Mrs. Otis recognized that a blood stain on the floor opposite the fire place. Mrs. Umney told them about a ghost named Simon de Canterville who killed his wife. He was the owner of this house. After she tried to remove the stain on the floor she found out that it appeared again after a short time. In the night, Mr. Otis hared a clanking noise coming from the corridor. So he stood up to look what it was. Then he saw the Canterville ghost with chains on his wrists and ankles. Mr. Otis gave him a lubricator to oil his chains. The ghost was really surprised that Mr. Otis wasnt scared. Every time when the ghost appeared again the twins played a trick in him. After a short time Simon decided that he wont haunt the family any more. One day Virginia found him very sad. The Canterville ghost told her all his problems. Afterwards she asked Simon if he had really killed his wife. The ghost told the girl that his wife wasnt very nice and a bad cook. So his wifes brothers starved him to death. He pleased Virginia to help him. He could only rest in peace if a child prayed for him. She accepted and they went away. In the evening the family couldnt find her, but at midnight she came back. Virginia got a bunch of jewels from the Canterville ghost. After some days they buried the skeleton of Simon de Canterville and Virginia married the young duke Cecil.

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