Ingles canterville ghost

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1 Mrs otis should be sorry because in the house that he bought lives a ghost

2 Mrs otis was a practical man, he respected individual effort. he respected the power of money and who earned it.

3 There are Mr otis, mrs otis, washington otis,miss virginia otis and her husband, the twins.

4mrs umney had been lady canterville's housekeeper

5the stain is blood. the bloodstain is the blood of lady eleanore of canterville

6- 7- 8the ghost is unhappy because the family don't believe in ghosts and the don't show a great respect

9The other ghost is a large black dog

10- 11 yes 12 no

13virginia speaks with the ghost and she says to him that she wants to help him, but the ghost is very sad because always is lonely.

14oh the way, she passed a little room ahs had not seen before. the door was opened and she looked inside (how disappear)


16the ghost gave him a box of jewels

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