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lif bttrnowtn60years:Nowadays we have a life more easy than Sixty years ago.In this time schools are better because pupils have more freedom,they can go to school without uniforms and their relation with teachers is more friendly. In addition now there are all kinds of new technologies that do our life more easy and convenient for example in the housework or school. Also advances like Internet is to be good of improve our knowledge and like source of information. Definitively I think that there is no reason for prefer to live in the fifties because our quality of life has improved remarkably and this make us better every day.2)It is certain that life in 1950s was much complicated than now. In first place people in fifties had a harder life style because they had not Technologies that did their life more easy and convenient. For example, the housework was a task too slowly and long,this does not happen in our days because we have all kinds of household appliances.A task like cook is more quickly in this time with restaurants that allow take away food or in supermarkets with processed food.In addition,now we have fast means of transport that allow us to travel far away in few hours. Definitively I think that there is no reason for prefer to live in the fifties

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