The pasive,reported speech y phrosal verbs

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reported speech.
simple present-simple past.
Present continous-past continous
Present perfect-past perfect
Present perfect continous-past perfect continous.
Simple past-past perfect
past continous-past perfect continous.
Past perfect-past perfect
Future perfect-conditional perfect.
Conditional-conditional perfect.
must-had to
help----are helped
are helping----- are being helped
helped----- were helped
willhave helped-----will have been helped
will help----- will be helped
have helped--- HAVE BEEN HELPED
should helped--- should be helped
were helping--- WERE BEING HELPED
had helped--- Had been helped
must have helped--- MUST HAVE BEEN HELPED
have to help ---- have to be helped
are going to help--- are going to be helped.
now--- then
today---that thay
yesterday/ last week/ a month ago---the previous X
tomorrow,next week --- the following X
here--- there
this/these--- that/those

AGREE WITH - estar de acuerdo
BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de
BE BACK - regresar
BE OUT OF - quedarse sin
BE OVER - terminarse
BREAK DOWN - averiarse
CALL BACK - volver a llamar
CARRY ON - seguir. continuar
CARRY OUT - llevar a cabo
CLEAR UP - poner en orden
COME ACROSS - encontrar, dar con
COME IN - entrar
CUT OFF - cortar, desconnectar
GET BACK - volver, regresar
GET IN(TO) - entrar
GET OFF - bajar (de un autobus, tren)
GET ON - subir (a un autobus, tren, moto)
GET UP - levantarse
GIVE BACK - devolver
GIVE UP - dejar (de fumar, beber)
GO AWAY - irse, marcharse
GO BACK - volver, regresar
GO OUT - salir (por la calle)
HANG ON/HOLD ON - esperar
HANG UP - colgar (el teléfono)
KNOCK DOWN - derribar, atropear, demoler
LOOK AFTER - cuidar
LOOK FOR - buscar
LOOK FORWARD TO - esperar con ilusión
LOOK UP - buscar algo (en un libro, diccionario)
PUT IN - meter, introducir
PUT ON - encender
RUN OUT OF - quedarse sin algo
TAKE AFTER - parecerse a
TAKE OFF - despegar
TAKE OUT - extraer, sacar
THROW AWAY - tirar (en la basura)
TURN DOWN - bajar (el volumen)
TURN UP - subir (el volumen)
TURN ON - encender (televisión, luces etc.)

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