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*Find words,phrases,or abbreviations that mean.1.4dr/a/ upgrate.4.collision,demage,waiver.5.third-party liability.6.windscreen.7.100f-rack.8.-.9.tanque.10.deposit.*find words which are the opposite of.1automatic-manual.2.pick up-drope off.3.empty-full.4.maximum-minimum.*complete the question used by…..a training guide.1.can I help you?.2.what`s your name?.3.was it an online booking?.4.would you like to upgrade a compact 2dr? that correct.6.can you conform your age? you want to take out any adicitional insurance covers? you want to do any extras? old is the littelone? there anything else you required?.11.could you just sing here? will you pay the balance?.*complete the arrival information sheet using words from . 1 . connecting. 2.transit.3.shuttle.4.service.5.rush-hour . 6 . taxi . 7 . service . 8 . centre*in pairs,read these question…1.half an hour . 2 . minibus , taxi . 3 . outside the the city the tourist information center*match the terms in A with the definitions in allocate(colocarlo)-d.2.indentification-e.3.a guest history(historial)-i.4.a key rack(habitacion especifica)-j.7.a registration card-b.8.a walk in (entrar pra resevar)-L.9.guest status(entrd d un client) swipe(abitaciones lbres)-H.11.aVIP-F.12.a voucher(dcumnto d idntifcacion)-K.procedure1-individual arrivals…identification-history-preferences-allocate-to swipe-voucher-registration card-keycard .

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