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Apartment-apartamento/flat-piso/bedsit-estudio/ skyscraper-rascacielo/block of flats-edificio/ cottage-casa rural/ bubgalow-bungaló/ hut-cabaña/ detached house-casa individual/ terraced house- adosado/ car park-garaje/ castle-castillo/ cathedral-catedral/ church-iglesia/ office block-bloque de oficinas/ park-parque/ seafront-paseo marítimo/ old town-casco antiguo/ monument-monumento/ landmark-lugar de visitas turísticas/ post office-correos/ bus station-estación de bus/ railway station-estación ferrocarril/ police station-estación de policia/ fire station- estación bomberos/ town hall-ayuuntamiento/ tower-torre/ abbey-abadía/ palace-palacio/ sports center- centro deportes/ square-plaza/ shopping center-centro comercial/ library - biblioteca/ bay-bahía/ beach-playa(on)/ cliff-acantilado/ coast-costa(on)/ countryside-campo(in)/ forest-bosque/ wood-madera/ hill-colina/ plain-llano(nomb.)/ flat-llano(adj.)/ lake-lago/ mountain-montaña/ river-río/ sea-mar/ valley-valle/ shore-orilla/ stream-corrient, riachuelo/ field-campo/ amusement arcade-salón recreativo/ baker's-panadería/ butcher's-carnicería/ chemist's-farmacía-pharmacy/ department store-corte inglés/ dry cleaner's-tintorería/ fishmonger's-pescadería-fish shop/ greengrocer's-verdulería/ grocer's-ultramarinos/ ironmonger's-ferretería/ statione's-papelería/ sweet shop-kiosko/ tobaconist's-estanco/ newsagent-quiosco/ travel agent's-agencia de viajes/ bookshop-librería/ city-ciudad/ town-pueblo/ village-aldea/ seaside city- ciudad costera/ port-puerto pesquero/ harbour-puerto industrial/ docks-muelle/ holiday resort-complejo vacacional-seaside resort/ ski resort-estación de esquí/ country,rural area- area rural/ urban area- area urbana/ resedential area-area residencial/city centre-centro ciudad-downtown.
1.the place where I lived is a seaside town located in the south of England, not far from London.It is the ideal place that all people who come to england should visit.It's funny because you can do a lot of things and visit different landmarks. 2.Downtown there is a big square with a marvellous pre-romanic church.On saturdays the square is fall of people because there is a market where you can buy from vegetables to clothes. 3.The "Grand Villa"Palace is a masterpiece which you must visit.There are paintings by well-know painters of the last centuries.The surrondings of the palace with all its gardens are of great beauty. 4.If you like going clubbing, you can enjoy the night life in the old town. I'm sure that you will have fun.Go for a walk during the day along it's pebbled streets and admired the architecture of some of its buildings.

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