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The book is about a man named Carl and his bodyguard, his name is Harald. They will travel home after work. On the plane they are served by the hostess. The plane takes off. After two hours of flying strange things begin to occur as passengers entering the cockpit. Then the stewardess comes out of the cockpit with a gun in his hands. The pilot said the flight will land at another airport. After this the Prime Minister, Helen, is informed by the police about the problems and she goes to the airport. She sees in the list of passengers that her husband contained therein. Harald On the other hand, decides to eat Carl's passport to avoid being caught. In the end the robbers as they discover and use it to Helen to do what they ask. We say that two hours will have to free their brothers from prison and bring them to the plane, so released nearly all the passengers except at 10 and her husband and his bodyguards are among them. Passing this time killing a passenger and after that Helen decides to take his brothers and put microphones in their raincoats. Finally they sent the second brother and the refueling truck with surprise that in the truck are the FBI agents get loose grenades and throw off the robbers, they are caught and released the passengers.

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