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Environment.[1.For contribute to preserving the environment in your daily routine must do their part. Our habits have much todo with the pollution of the environment.][2.Only we have to change old habits and to reduce, to re-use and to recycle everything that coved harm our planet. All this can do we inside and outsider our home. Later, I will enumerate some examples are easy to do. With the help of everyone well obtain big and positive results.] [3.Inside the home, for example: - We must use the shower better than the bath. If we do so, well spend less water.- To go to work by bike instad of by car. The bike contaminates less and its cheaper. - To go to supermarket with our own bags and then we re-use them as rubbish bags.]

Internet.[1.Nowadays,the internet has changed our lives. everybody know the internet and they know to it use. I am in favour of the internet because it is an useful invention.] [2. On the one hand, one advantage of using internet is that you can download music and send e-mail and messages. Another advantage is that you can look for information and speak with your friends. in addition you can chat with your friends or with you family. on the other hand the internet is dangerous because children can find sex in the websites. - people who are against internet says that it can be addictive and it is very expensive.] [3. But i don´t agree with them. To finish, i think that if you know how to use it, it is an useful device.]

Mobile Phone.[1.Nowadays the use of the mobile phones is big, the teens are very addicted. They send messages every now and then their parents restricted to use tem.][2.On the one hand the adventages of the mobile phone are listen to music, take photos, or surf the internet, which are very good for the users of this electric machines. The mobile phone you can talk everywhere and whenever.On the other hand the disadvantages of cell phones are always having to top it up. The mobile phone steals your privacy because you always carry it.][3.I believe that the use of mobile phones is good but at some point, can help you and entertain, but it´s abuse can be bad the people.]

Childhood Obesity.[1.Today, fast food is the food of choice for young people. But this is causing an increase in childhood obesity in the world.][2.This has been caused by neglect in the diets, lack of sport and bad habits-why should put in place a plan that would destroy this something percentage of obesity. Young people should exercise more and stop playing with phones, computers, etc. This could lead to death at some point because of that lifestyle.][3.In my opinion, should be taken against this problem and eliminate childhood obesity, with parents who look for them. You only need a balanced diet and exercise certain hours, and take the help of their families.]

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