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Writting: I never go on holidays and I dream to go to New York City. Because I love shopping and I would like to go to stars street and I visit the Madona's star. I will like to go with my friends when we will be overage. I think that It will be fantastic. For the other hand I like going to the Caribean island because I like the beach and the sun because here in Asturias the weather it isn't very well. I love seeing the sunset. If I can go I will be in the best Hotel of Caribean island. This island is fantastic because the water it is very warm and there aren't waves but maybe it will be shouks and dangerous exotic animals. The mosquitos are a very heavy animals and in this island there are a lot. In conclusion I would like to go on holidays with my friends in both of this places, but it is to far and now I haven't got enough money. But in the future I will go.

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