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Now at days (hoy en día ) And/ in addition/ furthermore (además) also(también ) But/ however /yet ( sin embargo) in spite of ( a pesar de  ) due to (debido a  ) because( porque) so (por lo tanto that is why ( por lo que) in order to ( para ) so that ( para que  ) in the same way ( del mismo modo ) in my opinion ( en mi opinion) I believe that ( firmemente creo que ) in my view ( desde mi punto de vista) The truth is that ( La verdad es que ) actually ( realmente) as a rule ( como resumen ) To begin (para empezar) in the first place( en el primer lugar) first of all (lo primero de todo)for example/such as ( tales como)on the one hand/on the other hand( :] ) meanwhile( mientras tanto) after that ( después )Then ( luego)when cuando while mientras /as soon as ( tan pronto como) in conclusion ( para concluir ). (para empezar)Nowadays... there are points about this topic that are interesting for me because i would like to know something.//(para argumentar)This topic is well differentiated, on the one hand as far as i am concerned, we have...but on the other hand and not less important //(para finalizar)and finally, would have to say that.

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