Mod 09

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2009 (Modelo)

Do you sleep enough?
A good nights sleep LS becoming ever more elusive for the average American and it's a
1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text.
No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) Most Americans find it easy to rest well at night.
FALSE: A good nights sleep LS becoming ever more elusive for the average American
and it's a problem that plagues us at all ages, from infancy to adulthood
b) Researchers did not require any help from families to carry out the study
on the effects of sleep in children.
FALSE: The youngsters' mothers were asked to record the amount of time the children
slept each night and fill out questionnaires about their childs hyperactivity, inattention
and daytime sleepiness.
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text.
a) Why is the journal Sleep mentioned in the text?
It is mentioned because it is the on which published three articles about
the problem of sleeplessness both in children and in adult people.
b) Give two differences found in the study between children who slept
enough and those who did not.
Short-sleeping children show poorer results in mental and language tests
than those ones who sleep the recommended hours a day, and they are also
more likely to suffer hyperactivity.
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
3. Find the words in the text that mean:
a) dea1 with (paragraph 1) tackle
b) insomnia (paragraph 1) sleeplessness
c) quantity (paragraph 2) amount
d) crucial (paragraph 3) critical
e) (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
brackets when given.
a) Last year 2,500 children where asked how oftenthey were woken up at
night by incoming text messages on their mobile phone.
b) Adolescents whoget a good nights sleep do better in school than those
who dont get enough.
c) It seems that children and teenagers under the age of 18 are more vulnerable to
radiation coming frommobile phones because theirimmune systems are
not strong.
Author: Patricia Herrero Pinilla
d) Last month I spent (spend) to much talking on my mobile phone, but I usually
spend an average of €20 each month.
5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.
a) Do entertainment gadgets, such as iPods and game consoles prevent young
people from getting enough sleep? Discuss.
b) What things keep you awake and why do they worry you?.
(Puntuación máxima 3 puntos)
a) Do entertainment gadgets, such as iPods and game consoles prevent
young people from getting enough sleep? Discuss.

As anintroductionIwould like tosaythat I ama user ofthese products.
 therefore do not sleep the recommended eight pray because I'm on my laptop at night.
This is a problem of society in general as people run out of sleep. Then do not performat work. Therefore students have lower grades.
We should bring them a solution, but can not take away your free time.
During the day we are at school, and then we listen to music or talk with our friends, sodo not sleep well.
In short, I think that products like mp3, video games or computers are bad, only if we abuse them. As we sleep less time than recommended, because we have no time on the rest of the day for fun.

b) What things keep you awake and why do they worry you?

WhatThingskeepyouawakeandwhydo theyworryyou?
  First I would like to explain that I do not sleep all the time.

I am very concerned, especially in recent months.
I do not sleep thinking about exams and grades.
Also sometimes I have problems with my family and it is difficult to live well.
Is the pressure to approve everything, and can not go out with friends.
On weekends I sleep more, so now, I have to study.
I have wanted to give me notes to rest and hopefully approve it.
Other things I lose sleep are nightmares. Sometimes I have many a time. Another time I sleep well, without dreaming. Tneer hate nightmares, sleeplessness and then for me I can not sleep.
When this happens I hear relaxing music.
In conclusion, if it were not so worried, I would sleep better. I have to do is relax and notthink about anything.

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