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1why was the narrator surprised that wyatt had reserved three cabins and not two?because wyatt travel with her wife and his two sisters and he didn´t understand why he reserved three cabins because the cabins were large and each one and two beds,one above the other2after the narrator looked at the list,what did he decided the extra cabin was for? for the baggage or the sirvent.3what news did the captain give the narrator and why did he find this strange?told that mis wyatt was not feeling well and so the family would arrive the following day just before the ship sailed.4in your on words explain why the narrator was surprised when he met mrs wyatt?the narrator suprised because the narrator lways agree with wyatt´s opinion about the beauty of womans but when arrived he met his wife and surprised because he think that she was quite ugly

part2.1what was strange about the box and what did this prove to the narrator?the box was strange because this shape was weird and smell bad.2.when the narrator mentioned the oblong box,what did wyatt do that made the narrator think that he was insane?first he looked at narrator as if didnt understand what he had said then his face became very red and a moment later he started to laugh and didn´t stop for ten minutes.3.what didn´t the narrator see during the night he couldn´t sleep and what strange noises did he hear?he saw mrs wyatt leave mr wyatt´s cabin about eleven o´clock and enter the extra cabin.he listened wyatt taking the lid off the oblong box and then the sound of crying.

part3.1what happened two days after the storm started?the wind became a hurricane and water began to enter the boat.2 what happened to a. the crew and most other passengers and b. the narrator?the crew and most the passengers get into th lift-boats and three days later ,got safely to land the narrator too.3what did wyatt do when the captain refused to return to the sinking ship?wyatt suddenly jumped into the sea and returned to the ship.5explain briefly in your own words the real reason for the oblong box.5explain bryefly in your owns words the real reason for the oblong box./the real reason was that the box mr wyatt´s wife had died before sailing the boat and couldn´t leave the ground so they decided to put it in the box to not alarm the other passengers.

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