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Adjective + infinitive:It`s hard to tell with Sarah
Adjective + for + object + infinitive:It`s important for him to have some qualifications
Adjectives + dependent prepositions:
certain about: seguro de
optimistic about: optimista de
serious about: hablando en serio
good at: bueno para
hopeless at: no hay esperanza para nada
useless at: bueno para nada
mad at: enojado
famous for: famoso por
late for: atrasado para
ready for: listo para
covered in:
interested in: interesado en
lacking in: carecer de
afraid of: miedo de
fond of: atraido de
proud of: orgulloso de
dependent on: dependiente de
accustomed to: acostumbrado de
allergic to: alergico a
compatible with: compatible con
fed up with: harto de

VERB + INFINITIVE:aim, arrange, attempt, can`t afford, claim, decide, deserve, hope, intend, learn, long, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, feruse, seem, tend, try. (I decide to stay in chile)

VERB + (OBJECT) + INFINITIVE:choose, expect, help, need, pay, prefer, want, would like. (She wants to go to the party / She wants me to go with her)

VERB + OBJECT + INFINITIVE:allow, challenge, choose, dare, enable, encourage, force, inspire, invite, order, remind, teach, train, trust, urge, warned. (My parents taught me to respect other people)

VERB + -ING FORM:adore, avoid, can`t stand, consider,delay, describe, detest, dislike, don`t mind, dread, enjoy, fancy, finish, imagine, keep, miss, practice, resent, resist, risk, spend/waste time. (I never waste time ironing my clothes)

VERB + PREPOSITIONS + -ING:Look forward to, dream about/of, apologize for, accuse someone of, approve of, believe in, blame someone for, concentrate on, congratulate someone for/on, consist of, forgive someone for, insist on, object to, prevent someone from, rely on, specialize in, succeed in, think of, worry about. (I look forward to hearing from you)

MAKE and LET: S + make/let + OBJ + INF

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