Examen recuperacion junio ingles

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the use of internet has their bad aspects and good aspects. a right effect of internet is the posibilites of comunication to long distances between different countries and between different cultures and races.another good effect is that the use of internet have favored the creation of social movement of type humanitarian and ecological to level global. also is important that in internet is easy search information.inside of the negativa effect is that through of internet have been diffused criminal behaviors as racism,terrorism,child pornography,violence.and another effect is the driscrimination of internet because the peoplo that haven't a lot of money, they don't can acces to the advantage that internet offers

1.si me porto bien,iré de viaje a new york

en imp.=+inf, con mod.=+mod+ver

2.si fuera a zaragoza,lo pasaria genial

con mod.=+mod+ver, si utilizas to be en todas personas se usa were

3.si napoleon hubiera ganadao,habria bebido té; en neg. siempre wouldn't

con mod.=+mod+have+ver



e.i.3.ordenes/mandatos(ordered+to/not to+ver)

e.i.4.sugerencias(suggested+sin suj+-ing 0 suggested+that+suj+ver(en la forma que toque)

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