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1.Titulo: Tow to b an alien. 2.Autor: George Mikes. 3.Opinión personal:  I think a very interesting book, although it is a bit complicated, but overall it's quite entertaining. 4.De q trata el libro: This is a very funny story in which they have strange things they do and say in English unlike other Europeans, their customs and different ways of living and spending time.

5.Personajes principales: Specific characters aren't named but the main characters are all British and George Mikes. 6.Personajes secundarios: The rest of Europe and "famous authors" as Mr Noel Coward. 7.Escrib loq pasa en un capítulo: In her Chapter in 3, called "The Weather" is some of the Europeans in talks that talk about the weather, and thus imply thet those people are boring, but yet in England the weather is a very exciting and interesting than they usually talk a lot as well a pretty good topic of conversation.

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