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se ocupa did

did you go to the party?
- I didn`t go to the party
Did you go to the party? -> Fuistes a la fiesta?
She finished school last year -> Acab/strong> el colegio el pasado a
Who wrote that letter? -> Qui escribi/strong> esta carta?
I didnt go to the party -> No fui a la fiesta.
infini past se ocupa este para transformar participle

Begin Began begun empezar
Build Built built construir
Choose chose chosen elegir
Draw dre drwan dibujar
Feed fed fed alimentar
Find found encontrar
Get got obtener
Hide hid hidden ocultar
Hold held guadar
Keep kept mantener
Make up made up hacer
Mean meant meant significar
Overlay overwrote overlaid
Overwrite overwritten sobreescribir
Put put poner
Read leer
Send sent
Set up
Strike struck
Take took taken
write wrote written

Presente continuo: acciones que estan sucediendo ahora en este momento
pronombre + verbo tobe + ing
Afirmaci I am eating
Negacion Im not eating
Pregunta Am I eating?
I am not eating now -> Yo no estoy comiendo ahora
Are you eating? -> Est comiendo
You are always working -> Est siempre trabajand o
I am reading a book -> Yo estoy leyendo un libro

Pasado continuo: por un periodo extendido de tiempo normalmente interrumpido por un suceso pasado simple

I was working (singular) he she
we were working (plural)

?was i playing
(-) I was not playing
(-)we were not playing

I listened to the news while I was driving. (Escuchlas noticias mientras estaba conduciendo).

I was reading a magazine when it started to rain.
2. Some friends arrived while we were watching television.
3. He was cooking dinner when he received a text message from his girlfriend.
4. They were playing football when the storm began.
5. What were you doing at 3 pm yesterday?
6. Were you studying when I rang you last night?
7. He couldnt sleep because the baby was crying.
8. She arrived as the train was leaving the station.
9. The children listened while the teacher was explaining the answers.
10. I was listening to the radio when I received your email.

size (small/large) power (powefull) cost (expensive/cheap) speed (fast/slow) quality (good/bad)
er (adjetivos cortos 1 silaba) y than la compara
more(adj mas largo) more es mas
less para cortos
Laptops are smaller than desktop pc
desktop pc are more powerfull than netbooks
laptops are large than netbook but smaller than desktop pc
a minicomputer less small than microcomputer
math is less interesting than english
math is more interesting than english
comparativo negativo :
as =queda iwal el adjetivo el as lo va comparando
plurales =are y se le agrega s ejemplo netbooks
singular = is
desktop pc are not as slow as netbooks
superlatives Los superlativos sirven para referirse a sustantivos que son los icos que presentan una cualidad que los diferencia del resto.
the most:largos mas
the least: cortos menos
laptops are the fastest computer
the most interesting
the least interesting better
good(better-thebest) bad(worse-theworst)

prefijos sufijos:
believable, 'crele' <-> unbelievable, 'increle'
prefijos comunes:
prefijos negativos
non-volatile no volatil
un- unformated sin formato
ubicacion de los prefijos:
mision (acros atraves de)
internet (between entre)
intranet(within dentro)
teleconferencing(distance a distancia)
tama del prefijo:
site: grande
semiconductor: mediano
microbrowser peque
prefijos verbales:
encrypt,update,upgrade,upload)provocan algo
de,un(decrypt,debug,defragmnet,unistall) lo contrario de provocar
prefijos electronicos cyber:
sufijos comunes:
Los sufijos son las terminaciones de las palabras que le dan un significado especico, pueden ser aumentativos para selar grandeza, diminutivos que demuestran la pequez de algo y despectivos que marcan una situaci despreciativa.

sufijos para trabajos:
manufacturer ,webmaster
it consultant it assistant
thechnician, electrician

otros nouns sustantivos(ion,ment,ics,ity,activity,state)

nouns (magnet->magnetism) verbs (magnetize) adjectives (magnetic,magnetized) adverbs (magnetically)
(recorder->recording) (record) (recordable,recorded)
(digitizer,digitizing) (digitize) (digital,digitized) (digitally)
wares a un `producto
compound nouns:
noun+noun = adrress bus
mail merge
adjec+noun = smart card (tarjeta inteligente)
verb+verb = scroll bar
verb+ participle = add-on set-up
Los participios pueden ser verbos o adjetivos.
Un verbo tiene un participio presente y un participio pasado.

sharp: fuerte
Pheripherals are classified into 3 types: input devices includes (mouse,keyboard,camera) Output divices are classified by (monitor , printer) and storage media (flash)
which/who: que
main: principal
holds : tiene
being: siendo
also: tambien
How can RAM be increased:Co se puede aumentar la RAM
We use the relative pronoun which (or that) to refer to a thing, not a person.
The main circuit board (which/that) you have inside
your system is called the the motherboard

describing functions:
it is used to capture image
this is a device which is used to capture image
it works by capturing images
Used + to + infinitive
Its used to control
Relative pronoun + verb
This is a device which controls
Relative pronoun + used+ to + infinitive
This is a device which/that is used to control
Work by + gerund
It works by detecting light from the computer screen

describing features://caracteristicas
webcam has an lens in is front
-An optical mouse has an optical sensor instead of a ball underneath.
-It usually features two buttons and a wheel.
-You can connect it to USB port.
-A wireless mouse works/operates without cables.
-It allows the user to answer multiple-choice questions and

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