Examen ingles

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 1.What did Mr. Soames teach at the university?Mr. Soames taught greak language at the university.2.What did the students have to do get the scholarship? The students copied the examination to be able to obtain the scholarship.3.Where were the tree sheets of paper when Mr. Soames returned to him room? The tree sheets been on the floor, on the small table near the window and the third was were i had left he.4.Write at leas onething that shows that someone had been.5.Write sentences about:Gilchrist is a good student. Gilchrist is a good at sports.Daulat Ras is a quiet person. Daulat Ras has a small white-faced.Miles McLauren hasn't done much work. Miles McLauren is very clever.6.Where did Holmes go before seeing Mr. Soames next morning?Holmes seeing Bannister like hide the gloves for Gilchrist.7.Recordered things that Gilchrist did when he copiered. He saw the sheels of papers when he walked past the window. 2ºHe did in Soamer's room.3ºHe put his shoes on the table. 5ºHe came to the sports field to practive. 1ºHe hard Mr. Soames coming back. 7He saw the key out the key hole. 4ºHe starts coping the pape. 8.What had the student forgotten on the chair? The student (Mr. Gilchrist's) forgotten on the chair his gloves. 9.What had the student done that same morning? The student state training jump that same morning. 10.What was Banister to do with the whole case?. 11.Vocabulary: Scholarship= Beca: economic aid that a student receives out their activity.Collage= Bricolaje: It is the manual activity that realizes one itself as fan or hobby, without resorting to the services of a professional.Clay= Arcilla: it is a material that has been used for the development of sculptural objects abd utilitarian since antiquity. 12.Write 2 works from Conan Doyle. The great shadow, the white company. 13.Write two sentences Doyle's biography. Doyle's born in edondurgh. Doyle's studied medicine ay the university in Edinburgh. 14.Write a summary of the story. This smal story goes on Mr. Soames that calls Sherlock Holmes because happened something terrible in a university in England. There Sherlock Holmes investigates about what happened. The story runs in 3 chapters: the first is situated in what has happened, the evidence, etc. ; the second identifies the characters and the course of story; and the third Sherlock Holmes unveils the culprit. There are various suspects that the detective must investigate...

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