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Past perfect- suj + had + 3ª columna (i had finished) present perfect simple- suj + have/has + 3colum (i have bought a lot of new clothes) present perfect continuos - suj + have/has + been + v ing (i have been loking for you all morning) past continuous- suj + was/werw + v ing (a woman was watching her son) past perfect- suj + had + 3column (i mad finished) Passive - past(singular) -he was taken to jail las night past (plural)- They were arrested last week present (singulier)- he is always punished by... present(plural)- thousands of hats are sold here... future- The lights will be taken down on january present perfect - he hasn´t been hired yet. past perfect- he had been cheated before

zero conditional (rutinas o hechos generales) if + present simple/continous + subject + present simple (f there is no rain, the grass doesn't grow.) First conditional (situaciones probables y resultados posibles) if+present simple/ continuous + subject + will + v inf (If a deer gets into your garden, it will eat all your plants.) Second conditional (situaciones imaginarias o poco probables) if + past simple + would + infinitive (If he were a young man, he would be able to walk faster.) Third conditional-had + v 3ªcolumna + would have + v past. (If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.) Reported speech- present tense - simple past present continuos-past continuos present perfect ,simple past - past perfect will-would going to-was/were going to can - could must - had to may - might

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