El libro the ghost

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1 were groups of people from the  same families 2because did lindsay were coming to kill them 3 is a ghost 1 they saw a ghost 2 the reverend and his family lived in his house 3 the house burnet 1most of the people who live there are farmes 2 the amaur is made of cooper and gold 3 in the cementery 1 because they thought that they were witches 2 he thinks Mary Gibson is a witch because she went in the shop the milk was sour 3 Dora Lee help Mery gibson; because people in the village wanted to kill her 1 lake 2 in case they can see the monster.     yuavtsydvbfsdtasbdhasdvcgahscvagcfagvsasvatsvdtats ahv asyas u y asdgasby dusjayafysdbasuuasfasvbdasiudasdhafivastdasbdasbggcafsyvcaysgaidv c y asgdash aisoh ysg asduay as bgi asdh igasasiuias    as asd as d aff asf asfdgfaafa gf gaas g agf

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