El dinero

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Nowadays,working is not as easy as we think.The truth is that many people are unemployed due to the economical crisis/On the one hand,many people are focusing on finding any kind of job.If a person is a hawyer but he can´t.Work as a lawyer,he is likely to look for more kinds of job if he wants to go on earning money/On the other hand,it is not easy for everybody to work at something they are not used to working.For this reason many people tend to reject some jobs in spite of they need money to live/In conclusion,If I had to look for a job,I would try to find a job I liked,but I am aware of that  money is important too.So a good job is important but I should pay attention to earn enough money to have a good life/According to the text....The text suggests that....who,because of,for,to

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