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Messi description

I will describe it for me Lionel messi is the best player in the world.

Is the Argentina, at age 11 come to Barcelona, and 23 year it has won everything with Barcelona. Messi is blond with short hair, medium height, has green eyes, dressed in a simple, humble, and no selfish.

All layers of the world say that messi is the best footballer in the world, so compared to Diego Armando Maradona having scored a goal like that in the global context Maradona.

            festival celebrated

This holiday I’m going Torotoro found in Bolivia, is a very small town where they celebrate the feast of St James.

2000 people live in Torotoro, but when party arrive more than 9000 people worldwide. The tradition is that when a person reaches wing city has to drink a fermented beverage.

The night before the party arrives at St James’s main square to make the sentence will then begin the festivities last a whole week, that week people take advantage of the village singing and dancing with a barrel of drink to invite tourists.

I invite you all to go to visit this beautiful little town is very interesting and memorable.

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