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Tipo I
a) if + simple present + simple present

( Se usa para expresar verdades científicas. )

b) if + simple present + simple future .

Ej.: If you dont study, you won´t pass your exams. . ( Si no estudias, no aprobarás tus exámenes )

c) imperative + or / and + simple future

( Se usa para expresar amenazas y promesas).

Ej,: Finish your food and we will go to the park

( Termina tu comida e iremos al parque )

d) imperative + if / in case + simple present.

Ej.: Call me in case you need help

(Llámame en caso de que necesites ayuda )
Tipo II
if + simple past + simple conditional.

Ej.: If i were rich, I would go to Australia (Si fuera rico, iría a Australia )
Tipo III
if + past perfect + conditional perfect

Ej.: If i had known that you were not at home, I would not have gone to your house.( Si hubiese sabido que no estabas en casa, no habría ido a tu casa.)

Used to express general truths and facts (often things based on scientific fact).

Uses the simple present tense:

If you drop an apple, it falls
If you don't do your homework, I will be disappointed

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