Chuleta unit 3

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*DETERMINERS: give information about the noun
Placed: -Before a common noun
-Before the adjective that goes with the common noun
Definite article: “The”/ -Definite determiners:the; this; that; all; both;these; those
-Indefinite article: “a/an” , -Indefinite determiners: a, an, each, every, some, any, either, neither, no, another, few, little, several, many, much, few, enough, numerals
DEMOSTRATIVES: This/ That/ These/Those
POSSESSIVES: My/ your/his/her/its/our/your/their
NUMBERS: Ordinals: first, second, third, fourth .../Cardinals: one, two, three, four...
QUANTIFIERS: Much/Many/Any/Some
DETERMINERS, according to their position in the NP, depending on where it is in the NP, we distinguish three categories: Pre-determiners/ Central determiners/ Post-determiners
Pre-determiners: they are mutually exclusive, precede central determiners, have to do with quantification and there are two groups: 1ºall, both, half ( such, what),2ºMultipliers
-all: with countable nouns( plural)and uncountable nouns ex: all the books/ all music
Both: with countable nouns (plural) ex: Both books
Half: with countable nouns( singular and plural) and uncountable nouns ex: half a book
-Pre-determiners can be used “pronominally” ex: Both the students sat for the exam and both passed. ( first both pre-determiner and last both pronominally because after there is a verb)
-Following pre-determiners we can use “ of + phrase” ex: half of the students...
-“All” and “Both” se pueden usar antes del verbo para dar énfasis pero cuando está el verbo” to be” en la oración se ponen después del verbo.
ex: The students all sat for the exam/ The students were all happy
*Multipliers: they multiply the quantity to the noun
-twice the lenght : dos veces la longitud
double her salary: el doble de su salario
Three times his salary: el triple de su salario
When the
multiplier is followed by the indefinite article “ a” or by “ each” or “every” to a measure set against the unit ex: one a day( we have a meassure : 24 h/ day)
-Central Determiners:
*The: with countable nouns (singular and plural) and uncountable nouns.
This, these, that, those
-Possessives: my, your, his, her... ex: the boy said: it is my pencil
which, whose, what, whichever ex: what time is it?
-Negative determiners:
No( negation) ex: I have no idea ( I haven’t got any idea)
*Indefinite article “ a/ an” :with countable nouns (singular)
-every/ each:   ex: I go to work every day////// ex: Each student in this room have an English book
either/neither: ex: parking is permitted on neither side of the street
*Zero article
-some/any ex: could you give some apples please?
-enough: ex: I dont have enough money
-Post- Determiners: after central determiners
*Ordinals: first, second, third..., last and other/ another ex:
I have
another car/ this is my first boyfriend
*Quantifiers: one , two, three, ..., many, few(plural count nouns), little ( non count nouns) plenty of and a lot of Ex: There is little sugar in the tin//there are few students in my class
ojo!!!! The ordinals precedes the quantifiers
Ex: My first two books / My last few possessions

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