Chuleta Conditionals and Reported Speech

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Conditionals: 1º:(Cosas que pueden pasar) If+Present Simple, Pers+Will+V(inf). Ej: If I go tomorrow, I'll see Mery->Si voy mañana, veré a Mery. Present Simpel: Pers+V(s)+cmpl (-,?: AUX(Do/Does) i V(inf)). 2º:(Situaciones imaginarias) If+Past Simpel, Pers+Would+V(inf). Ej: If I won the lotery, I'd buy a car->Si ganara la lotería, me compraria un coche. Past Simpel:Pers+V(2ª)+compl (-,?: AUX(Be present) i V+ing). 3º:(Situaciones imaginarias en el pasado) If+Past Perfect, Pers+Would+have (siempre have)+V(3ª). Ej: If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam->Si yo hubiera estudiado más, habría aprobado el examen. Past Perfect: Pers+AUX(had)+V(3ª)+compl (-,?: igual). Vocabulary: Charity=caridad; Company=compañia; Crime=crimen; Disability=discapacitado; Election=elección; Employment=empleo; government=govierno; Health=salud; Homelessness=Sin techo; Hospital=hospital; Hunger=hambriento; Patient=paciente; Politician=politico; Politics=politica; Poverty=pobreza; Shoplifting=robar en una tienda; Theft=ladrón; Unemployment=En paro(desempleado); Vandalism=vandalismo; Worker=trabajador;Go up-rise=crecer; Look after-take care of=tener cuidado; Set up-create=crear; Shut down-close=apagar/cerrar.

Reported speech:

Direct Speech Pres. Simple Pres. Cont. Past Simpls Present perfect willReported Speech Past Simple Past Cont. Past Perfect Past perfect would

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