Apuntes Verbos Participios, just, yet already

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Present Past Past ParticipleFreeze Froze FrozenSeek Sought SoughtBe Was, Were BeenGet Got GotSell Sold SoldBecome Became BecomeGive Gave GivenSend Sent SentBegin Began BegunGo Went GoneShine Shone ShoneBlow Blew BlownGrow Grew GrownShow Showed ShownBreak Broke BrokenHave Had HadSing Sang SungBring Brought BroughtHear Heard HeardSit Sat SatBuild Built BuiltHide Hid HiddenSleep Slept SleptBuy Bought BoughtHold Held HeldSpeak Spoke SpokenCatch Caught CaughtHurt Hurt HurtSpend Spent SpentChoose Chose ChosenKeep Kept KeptSpring Sprang SprungCome Came ComeKnow Knew KnownStand Stood StoodCut Cut CutLay Laid LaidSteal Stole StolenDo Did DoneLeave Left LeftSwim Swam SwumDrink Drank DrunkLet Let LetSwing Swung SwungDrive Drove DrivenLie Lay/Lied Lain/LiedTake Took TakenEat Ate EatenLose Lost LostTeach Taught TaughtFall Fell FallenMake Made MadeTear Tore TornFeed Fed FedMeet Met MetTell Told ToldFeel Felt FeltPay Paid PaidThink Thought ThoughtFight Fought FoughtPut Put PutThrow Threw ThrownFind Found FoundRead Read ReadUnderstand Understood UnderstoodFly Flew FlownRide Rode RiddenWake Woke WokenForbid Forbade ForbiddenRun Ran RunWear Wore WornForget Forgot ForgottenSay Said SaidWin Won WonForgive Forgave ForgivenSee Saw SeenWrite Wrote Written


+ ) Sujeto + Auxiliar + Verb Past Participle + Object
-) Sujeto + Auxiliar Negativo + V. P. Participle + Object
?) Auxiliar + Sujeto + V. P. Participle + Object + ? 
Already significa ya y generalmente se emplea en frases afirmativas
Se utiliza con el presente perfecto,es decir
Sujeto + have/has+ Already + VPP + Object 
Alreadyse coloca normalmente entre el have y el participio pasado.
Ex. I have already written the letter | Ya he escrito la carta

Yet significa aún o todavía en oraciones negativas y ya en preguntas.
Se utiliza con el presente perfecto, es decir.
Sujeto +have/has(n´t)+ VPP+ Object+ Yet
Yet se coloca al final de la frase.
Ex. Have they bought the car yet? | ¿Han comprado el coche ya?
I haven't written the letteryet |
No he escrito la carta todavía
Just tiene varios significados 

-Sólo, Solamente | It's just a game | Es sólo un juego
-Justamente | That is just what happened | Eso es justamente lo que pasó
-Con el imperativo,sín traducción | Just look at her! | ¡Mírala!
-Acabar de con el presente perfecto | I have just eaten | Acabo de Comer

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