A film review

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The title of the film is Titanic.

It’s starred by Jack Dawson (Leonardo Dicaprio), Rose De Witt Bukater (Kate Winstet), Cal Hackley (Billy Zane).

It is about a love story which takes place on the famous boat Titanic. Rose, the main character is engaged to the wealthy Cal. Their engagement is disrupted when Rose meets the poor Jack. The difference in the two social classes cause for concern. If Rose decides to marry Cal, her and her mother will be financially stable. If she breaks her engagement, she wil be with the man that she loves.The film takes place between Iceland and New York, and occurred in April 14, 1912 approximately.

An old lady who claims to be a survivor of the Titanic tells her story to an eager group of treasure hunters, who are in search of a rare diamond in the Titanic's wreckage.
Her name is Rose and she was a passenger on the Titanic along with the star, Jack.

The two meet and Rose, unhappy with her arranged marriage Jack, a young artist, who struggles to get through with life spends time with her and the two fall in love. Then the ship hits an iceberg and Jack is framed for theft and chained up in the lower levels of the ship. Finally the ship sinks, and all the passagers died.

In my opinion, this movie is one of the best movies and ought to be watched by one and all.
The tragedy of ‘Titanic’ is brought out beautifully and realistically
. The best of the film is when they make love, and the worst is when Jake dies.

I recommended you to see it because is a beautiful and romantic film.

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