Will,going to, present continuous

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WILL: predicctions of future. subject+will+verb (base form) ejmplo: he'll come tomorrow

 questions will: questions whild+will+subject+verb..? ejmplo: will you come to my party tomorrow?

 short answers: yes I will // no I won't

 GOING TO: plans and intentions. subject+to be (am,are,is)+verb ejmplo: I'm going to study medicine

 questions going to: question word+are/is/am+subject+going to+verb..?

 short answers: yes I am/ yes,you/we/they are/yes,he is

GO: I'm going to go to Italy <----------- prohibido

 I'm going to Italy = Present Continuous with a future walk.

 present continuous with a future value: plans or arrangaments

 I'm playing tennis = yo toy jugando a tenis


I'm playing tennis tomorrow = yo jugare al tenis mañana

 P.C           Future time expression

First conditional: If+present simple / futur will

                                     condition / result

Ex. If he has got money / he will buy a house

                    condition / result

he will buy a house · if he's got money

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