La voz pasiva inglesa

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Past Simple  This singer writes many songs                    Many songs are written by this singer

Past Simple    This singer wrole many songs.                       Many songs were written by this singer

Future Simple       This singer will write many songs,

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Present Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Simple


Modal Perfects

have to

be going to

Present Simple:  This singer writes many songs    Many songs are written by this singer.

Past Simple  I This singer wrote many songs       Many songs were written by this singer.

Future Simple   This singer will write many songs       Many songs will be written by this singer.

Present Continuous   I This singer is writing many songs    Many songs are being written by this singer.

Past Continuous    I This singer was writing many songs   Many songs were being written by this singer.

Present Perfect Simple     I This singer has written many songs,   Many songs have been written by this singer.

Past Perfect Simple      I This singer had written many songs   I Many songs had be en written by this singer.

Modals   I This singer should write many songs    I Many songs should be written by this singer.

Modal Perfects   This singer must have written many songs.       Many songs must have been written by this singer.

have to  I This singer has to write many songs    Many songs have to be written by this singer.

be going to    This singer is going to write many songs     Many songs are going to be written by this singer.

they showed me their album : i was shown their album. la 2 forma: vbs: guve show, tell, ask, offer, pay, promise, lend, sell, send

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