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Student Wins Municipal Elections

I High-school student Michael Sessions, from Hillsdale, Michigan, USA, has caused a sensation by winning the municipal elections and becoming mayor of his small town. The 18 year old, who said his victory had surprised him, won by the narrowest of margins – 670 votes as opposed to the 668 that his opponent (who was the former mayor) received.

II Sessions ran a low-profile campaign, which he financed with the $700 he had earned from a summer job. He went from door to door, introducing himself and explaining what his main aims as mayor would be – attracting money and jobs to the small town, which has got a population of 8,200. At first, people seemed to be surprised by his youth, but his enthusiasm soon won them over.

III The position of mayor of Hillsdale is a part-time one, and Michael will receive $250 a month. However, his new position does not come with an office, and Michael will be running the town from his bedroom. His main task is to preside over the town council, although he has made it clear that he intends to do much more. “I think the mayor should be out there, you know, communicating with people. I’m going to make sure people see that I’m visible and I care about this town,” he said in an interview.

IV Michael’s teachers at school are obviously proud of him. Steven Brower, a government and economics teacher at Hillsdale High School, said, “He was a real go-getter during his campaign. He acted like he was running for president.” He added that Michael had researched issues carefully before taking a position and he expressed his belief that Michael would act responsibly in his position as mayor.

V Mayor or not, Michael will still have to combine his new job with his studies. He is well aware of this, saying, “From 7.50 to 2.30 I’m a student; from 3.00 to 6.00 I’m going to be out fulfilling this job as mayor.” However, Peter Beck, principal of his school, gave him a warning: “I told him that if he wins, he’ll still need to finish his homework … I’d hate to have to suspend a city official.”

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