Planning holidays

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1-Complete the comversation.

daniel: Hi Jack.I have the tikets.

the __________ to Oaxaca is

going to leavein 20 minutes.

jack: That"s good. i"m going to buy

some ___________ and drink for

the journey.

Daniel: good ¡dea! look - there"s Laura

and Nicole. Do you think they are

going to be ____________ ,too?

Nicole: Yes, i am. i"m also tired.

i"m going to_______________

Jack: OK. in that case, i"m going to ___________ enough food for everyone.

Daniel: great! let"s meet back here in __________________ minutes.

it"s going to be a ______________ trip, but i"m going to enjoy every minute.

R:long,fiften,buy,sit dawn,behind,food,bus

2-complte the miniconverstation.

destination                      time                          prises               single            retuen

manchester                     08:45,12:1518:40        manchester       $42               $70

birmingham                    09:35,11:20,17:40        birminigham     $38               $63 

york                               11:40,13:50,20:15        york                 $41               $68

1 A: Good morning. can i help you?                            2 A: Good aftrnoon. Can i help you?

B: How much is a single tiket to York on                       B: What time is the next train to

the  11:40 train?                                                            Manchester?

A: it"s______________________                                                A: it"s___________________

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