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1.Fortunately, i have never been on a diet because i do not have weight problems. I understand the people who feel unhappy with their bodies because they are influenced by the mass media and they want to look like their idols, sucha as singers, actors, top models.../Consequently young people go on a diet without control and have mental disorders because they caNnot have a fantastic body. They suffer from anorexia or bulimia, diseases which it is very difficult to recover from. It is easy to say that with a little exercise and healthy food you will get a perfect body.What is important is to take care of it. People do not understand that their physical appearence is not the most important thing but their health. /In conclusion, the most important is to accept your body, and like yourself. 2. a)Craig manager to fight his fear of solid food by eating sugar sándwiches, then eating chocolate spread sándwiches anda finally until 7 years old eating jam sándwiches. At seven he was sent to hospital where he began to play with food and finally take small bites. b)Craig began to eat solid food when he was 9 months old. 3. FFTF

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