Estilo indirecto

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present simple: I walk - past simple: I walked

present continuos: I am walking - past continuos: I was walking

preterito perfecto: I have walked - preterito pluscuamperfecto: I had walked

preterito indefenido: I walked - preterito pluscuamperfecto: I had walked

preterito pluscuamperfecto: I had walked - preterito pluscuamperfecto: I had walked

will: I will walk - would: I would walk

can: I can walk - could: I could walk

must: I must walk - had to:  I had to walk

here - there

this - that

these - those

now - then

next - the following week

today - that day

tonight - that night

tomorrow - the following day

yesterday - the day before

last week - the week before

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